25 may 2021
The webinar was organized by the Finnish Heritage Agency in partnership with UNESCO Unit – Secretariat General of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
The webinar was held in English. A recording of the plenary sessions is now available on the Elävä perintö Youtube channel.
14.00: Opening of the webinar, Elena Sinibaldi (Italy) and Leena Marsio (Finland)
14.15: Greetings from UNESCO, Helena Drobna, Regional coordinator for Europe, UNESCO / Living Heritage Entity
14.25: Inspiration from other regional networks in the field of ICH
- Regional network of facilitators under the 2003 Convention, Jorijn Neyrinck (Belgium)
- ICH NGO Forum, Kaloyan Nikolov (Bulgaria)
- UNESCO Chairs on ICH, Marc Jacobs (Belgium)
- Regional Centre for ICH in South-Eastern Europe, Mireva Staneva (Bulgaria)
- Regional Network of experts on ICH in South-East Europe, Matteo Rosati (UNESCO)
- Nordic-Baltic ICH Network, Matti Hakamäki (Finland)
15.15: Break
15.20: Discussions in small groups about the ideas around the network
16.00: Back to plenary for sharing thoughts and considering next steps
16.30: End of the webinar - Materials:
All powerpoint slides from the webinar (pdf)
Outcomes of the workshop (pdf)
Proposal: European Network of Focal Points for the 2003 Convention (pdf)